VAT exemption
Published on 08 September 2011 01:30 PM
Age Cymru is one of the partners involved in running a new campaign to raise awareness of VAT exemption for some goods and services designed to help with daily living.
Our Campaigns Coordinator Rhea Stevens explains:
"Many of us do not realise that disabled people do not have to pay VAT on some goods and services that are designed to help them with daily living.
"The upshot of this is that many people could be paying VAT unnecessarily on items that they rely on each day.
"Shops themselves may not even be aware that this exemption exists, which could also mean people are paying 20 per cent extra - which is a significant sum of money, for items that should be VAT exempt for some customers.
"To apply for a VAT exemption, the supplier will usually ask you to sign a form declaring that the item is for a person with a disability or chronically sick, but again the problem is that very often people seem to be unaware of this.
"Greater awareness of this exemption would certainly help and this is why Age Cymru is taking part in the campaign to raise awareness."