Wear a woolly
Published on 10 January 2012 01:30 PM
Did you know that almost half of people in the UK (47 per cent) have received a woolly present for Christmas that they have never worn or only worn once or twice?
With just a few weeks to go until Bobble Day - our annual fundraising event to help older people in winter on 10 February, we're asking the public to dust off get their winter woollies, wear them with pride, and donate £2 to Age Cymru.
Wacky woollen items have enjoyed a recent renaissance with online retailers reporting a huge 600% increase in sales of festive knits compared to last year, so why not wrap up in your most colourful and crazy knits on 10 February?
The fashion-forward could even team neon legwarmers with stripy jumpers, giant jumper dresses with woolly socks, and even create matching outfits for pets!
The money raised will go to our Spread the Warmth campaign to help keep older people warm and well during what can be extremely difficult winter months for thousands across the country.
Richard Nicholls, our Director of Income Resources says:
"Bobble Day will give everyone a chance to get creative with their winter knits.
"We're calling on everyone to find their inner-fashionista and to finish off their woolly outfit with a colourful bobble - soon to be available from Age Cymru shops or Wilkinson stores - to show their support for ending needless suffering for older people in winter.
"Bobble Day is definitely a chance to have fun, but there is a serious issue at its heart; 12 older people die needlessly every day in winter in Wales due to the cold.
"While Christmas is over and thoughts turn to the spring ahead, February is often one of the coldest months of the year and many older people will be suffering.
"By getting involved in Bobble Day you can help us change this."