Welsh language services in hospitals and care homes
Published on 20 December 2011 11:00 AM
Responding to reports that the Union of Welsh Independent Churches is lobbying the Welsh Government to introduce guidelines on providing services through the medium of Welsh in hospitals and care homes, Age Cymru's Graeme Francis says:
"Concerns around not being able to use the Welsh language are often raised with Age Cymru, particularly in relation to people with dementia who may only be comfortable communicating in their first language.
"Unfortunately, in many care settings in Wales there is a lack of Welsh speaking staff which can increase communication difficulties, both with residents and their families.
"Age Cymru is calling on the Welsh Government to improve education and training for health and care professionals on understanding, recognising and managing dementia-related conditions and care homes in largely Welsh-speaking areas should consider their provision of Welsh-languages communication and services for residents."