Welsh Senate of Older People
Published on 29 September 2010 10:00 AM
The Welsh Senate of Older People
The United Voice of older People in Wales
The launch of the Welsh Senate of Older People is taking place at the Welsh Assembly on 1 October.
Four national older people's organisations have come together to create the Senate to give older people across Wales a unified voice.
The Senate will represent and protect the interests of older people in Wales on issues that matter to them.
A spokesperson for the Welsh Senate of Older People says:
"The population of Wales is ageing at a faster rate than any other part of the UK, and in 20 years time one in three Welsh adults will be aged 65 or over.
"Older people's issues have become increasingly prominent in recent years and the creation of the Senate is a significant milestone in the journey to unite older people the length and breadth of Wales.
"The Senate will provide older people in Wales with a unified voice at central and Welsh Assembly Government levels on matters such as age discrimination, income and prosperity, and housing and health."
The four organisations involved in creating the Welsh Senate of Older People are the National Old Age Pensioners Association of Wales, the National Pensioners Convention Wales, Older People's Advisory Group Cymru and Pensioners Forum Wales.
Guest speakers at the launch event will include the First Minister Carwyn Jones AM, the Deputy Minister for Social Services, Gwenda Thomas AM and the Older People's Commissioner for Wales, Ruth Marks.
Former international football referee Clive Thomas will be overseeing proceedings in the morning of the event.
The launch of the Welsh Senate of Older People coincides with the International Day of Older Persons 2010 on 1 October.
For further information about the Welsh Senate of Older People, visit the website