Which? home care report
Published on 16 March 2012 02:00 PM
Responding to a report by Which? out today that says the standards of care received by older people in their homes is 'shocking and disgraceful', Age Cymru's Head of Policy and Public Affairs Graeme Francis says:
"The problems identified in this report are shocking, but will not be a surprise to many as it is just the latest in a line of reports highlighting the failures in the current way we care for older people.
"Older people have a right to a level of care in their own homes that will provide them the freedom to live independently and with confidence.
"The dignity and human rights of people receiving care must be at the heart of all services and people must not be made to suffer degrading or inhuman treatment.
"The report identifies instances where care has clearly been sub-standard and neglect - albeit unintentional, is abuse, and abuse in any way, shape or form is totally unacceptable.
"The UK and Welsh Government must take urgent steps to the provision of care to avoid these failures.
"Care in the UK is simply not valued properly and systems are struggling with a lack of resources."
Please show your support for our campaign to put an end to the abuse of older people by singing our Rule Out Abuse charter.
This is your chance to tell the Welsh Government that it must ensure that older people are protected from harm and treated with dignity and respect.