World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
Published on 15 June 2011 08:00 AM
June 15 is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. Please take a minute to read this appeal from our Chief Executive, Robert Taylor OBE:
Dear friend:
June 15 is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.
It is a startling fact that 39,000 people in Wales today are suffering elder abuse; it takes many different forms - from physical, financial, emotional or psychological abuse, to sexual abuse and neglect.
Elder abuse can happen anywhere - in people's own homes, in care homes, hospitals, day care or other residential settings and Age Cymru wants your help to combat elder abuse in Wales.
I am asking anyone who suspects that someone they know may be being abused, or believes that someone is abusing an older person, to report their concerns to their local social services department's adult protection team.
If anyone reading this thinks that an older person they know is in immediate danger because of elder abuse, please contact the police on 999.
Elder abuse is completely unacceptable and together we can help bring an end to the suffering of tens of thousands of older people in Wales.
You may be interested to know that Age Cymru has produced a guide to elder abuse called Safeguarding Older People.
The guide is available by contacting Age Cymru's elder abuse project on 01352 706228 or emailing
You can find more information about elder abuse on the Elder abuse section of this website.
Yours sincerely,
Robert Taylor OBE.
Chief Executive, Age Cymru